Technical Specifications: PTs , RVTs

  • Construction Features: 1ɸ, 2ɸ, 3ɸ, HV Fuses PTs, RVTs
  • Operating voltage: up to 36 kV System Voltage
  • Secondary Voltage: 110, 110/√3, 110/3, 12, 190 V
  • Rated Burden: up to 300 VA
  • Voltage Factor: 1.2 cont. and 1.5 for 30 sec / 1.9 for 30 sec / 1.9 for 8 hrs.
  • Class of Accuracy: 0.1, 0.2s, 0.2, 0.5s, 0.5, 1, 5P, 10P, PS
  • Frequency: 50 Hz.
  • Reference Standards: IS - 3156, IEC- 61869
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